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A delicacy for any sushi or sashimi connoisseur, this Port Lincoln Southern Bluefin Tuna Belly Loin (skin-off) is of superior quality. Hand fished from the pristine waters of South Australia and frozen at -60°C, it is sashimi grade, with an umami flavour and melt-in-your-mouth texture. Enjoy the best sushi experience with this superior quality fish.
Tuna is normally cut into 4 loins; upper two shoulder loins and bottom 2 belly loins. What you are purchasing will be the belly loins, which will contain the highly sought after toro (o-toro and chuoto).
Akami (ah-kah-me) is the leaner meat from the sides of the fish. If you ask for ‘maguro’ at a restaurant, or order any kind of tuna roll or sushi without requesting ‘toro,’ you will get this cut.
Toro (toh-roh) is the term for the fatty part of the tuna, found in the belly portion of the fish. Toro is further broken up into two distinct subtypes, and they are more expensive due to their relative scarcity as a proportion of the entire fish. The two types of toro are:
Chutoro (choo-toh-roh), which is sometimes labeled chu-toro, is the belly area of the tuna along the side of the fish between the akami and the otoro. It is often preferred because it is fatty but not as fatty as otoro.
Otoro (oh-toh-roh), which is sometimes labeled o-toro, is the fattiest portion of the tuna, found on the very underside of the fish. This cut is fatty almost to the point of falling apart and can literally melt in your mouth.
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